Android users can now download and install Instagram, which has managed to annoy a lot of people who they don’t know. Fortunately Facebook announced their intent to purchase the app, and the subtle feeling of discomfort and wrongness set in before any organised iOS lynch mobs could form.
Malware and Viruses, there’s an App for that
While not as exciting as when it happens to the iPhone, recently it was reported that HTC’s Android handsets seem to have a new range of security vulnerabilities. Continue reading
Fanboys are a Spectator Sport
What is the consensus? Is it fanboy, fanboi or should we just use Otaku instead? I am leaning towards ‘fanboy’ personally. Continue reading
Bad Photography, Filters and Photosharing
There is a new photosharing app called Lightbox, and it is only available for Android phones at launch. Continue reading
Crazy Stalker, There’s an App for that
Earlier this week, a number of blogs started to talk about how the iphone tracks its location in an unsecured file. Not long after, and to no suprise, it was revealed that Android phones do it too. Continue reading