So Facebook did some human subject research, but this time made the critical error of publishing in an acedemic journal. While there has been the occasional measured analysis of the discussion this has generated, for the most part it has resembled diuretic monkeys on speed in a poo flinging contest. You know, like all the other times the words ‘Facebook’, ‘privacy’ and ‘users’ make it into the mainstream media.
Oculus Face Rift Book
At least in the short term, Facebook may have done Sony and other virtual reality headset newcomers a real favour by strangling the new born Oculus Rift. Continue reading
Facebook’s a Decade Old
Social Media
It seems that Facebook is now ten years old, or will be on the 4th. This makes the social network a few months older than World of Warcraft. Continue reading
Path Might Lose Tens of Users!
Social Media
Path, a niche social media app, managed to briefly feature in a number of blogs when it SMS’ed and robo-called a user’s contact list indiscriminately. Obviously this is not a good thing. Continue reading
Pwned by Facebook
Social Media
Due to an issue with Facebook Connect, for a brief period visitors to sites like CNN and Yelp were landing on a Facebook error page instead. Continue reading